Synopsis: The Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction (CWMD) Advisor Course is an 80-hour course that prepares operational staff planners to advise senior leaders on operational WMD implications and CWMD activities. Students review CWMD doctrine, guidance, and best practices across the range of military operations while learning to manage WMD effects on combat power through practical exercises and group project work. The course is split into a 40-hour distance-learning Phase I, and a 40-hour in residence Phase II. Completion of both phases of the CWMD Advisor course confers the U.S. Army skill identifier D1 (CWMD Advisor).
Contextualize operational impacts of WMD
presence, use, and threat of use.
Understand international, USG, and DoD CWMD
plans, policy, strategy, doctrine, and organizations.
Apply Joint Warfighting Function CWMD
activities in competition and conflict.
Develop CWMD decision support recommendations
for operation commanders.
Registration: Registration centrally completed by
USANCA. ATRRS courses are not reflected until rosters are complete. Rosters and priority of fill retained by
hosting organization. Additional information available by contacting:
(Who should take the course):
Active SECRET clearance. Military and Federal employees at the Corps, SCC, or
CCMD. For the U.S. Army, officers above O3, warrant officers above CW2, and
noncommissioned officers above E7 at or supporting the ASCC and CCMD.
I completion is a prerequisite for ATRRS registration for Phase II.
Classification: SECRET.
Locations: Phase II at
USANCA, 5915 16th Street, Building 238, Fort Belvoir VA 22060 for
resident. MTT Projected locations below.