The Countering WMD Journal is a semi-annual, peer-reviewed publication of the United States Army Nuclear and Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction Agency (USANCA). We welcome articles and other content from all U.S. Government agencies and academia involved with CWMD matters. All content is reviewed and approved by the Countering WMD Journal Editorial Board prior to publication.
Submission Content: Writers may choose to discuss training, current operations, and exercises, doctrine, equipment, history, personal viewpoints, or other areas of general interest to the CWMD community. Articles may share ideas and lessons learned or explore better ways of doing things. Reviews of books on CWMD topics and letters to the editor are also welcome.
Submission Guidelines: Articles should be concise, straight-forward, and in the active voice. Avoid using acronyms when possible. When used, spell out and identify acronyms at the first use. Also avoid the use of bureaucratic jargon and military buzzwords. There are no prescribed word limits.
Authors are responsible for article accuracy and source documentation. The preferred style is Chicago Manual of Style 17th Edition. Use notes and bibliography citations. Please reference the Chicago Manual of Style Website ( or the print edition of the book for more information (ISBN: 978-0-226-28705-8).
Graphics: Graphics must be accompanied by captions and must cite the original source. Captions should include the date, location, unit, personnel, and activity, as applicable. Include photographs and/or graphics that illustrate information in the article in the largest size available. Send each photo or graphic as a separate file.
Releasability: Articles submitted to Countering WMD Journal must be accompanied by a written release from the author’s unit or activity security manager before editing can begin. All information contained in an article must be unclassified, non-sensitive, and releasable to the public. It is the author’s responsibility to ensure that security is not compromised; information appearing in open sources does not constitute declassification. Countering WMD Journal is published online and is publicly available. For convenience, a fillable security release memorandum is provided by selecting Security Release Memorandum on this page.
As an official U.S. Army publication, Countering WMD Journal is not copyrighted. Material published in Countering WMD Journal can be freely reproduced, distributed, displayed, or reprinted; however, appropriate credit should be given to Countering WMD Journal and its authors. Please indicate if a manuscript is already published or is being considered for publication elsewhere.
Submissions and Publication: All submissions must be accompanied with author information to be published along with the article. If a submission has multiple authors, the primary point of contact should be clearly designated with the initial submission. The designated author will receive all correspondence from Countering WMD Journal editors and will be responsible for conferring with coauthors concerning revisions before responding to the editors. Please see the Author Information file on this page for more information.
Countering WMD Journal will notify each author to acknowledge receipt of a manuscript. However, we make no final commitment to publish an article until it has been thoroughly reviewed and, if required, revised to satisfy concerns, and conform to publication conventions. We make no guarantee to publish all submitted articles, photographs, or illustrations. If we plan to publish an article, we will notify the author.
Manuscripts submitted to Countering WMD Journal become government property upon receipt. All articles accepted for publication are subject to grammatical and structural changes as well as editing for length, clarity, and conformity to Countering WMD Journal style. We will send all substantive changes to the author for approval. Authors will receive a courtesy copy of the edited version for review before publication; however, if the author does not respond to Countering WMD Journal with questions or concerns by a specified suspense date (typically five to seven working days), it will be assumed that the author concurs with all edits and the article will run as is.
Countering WMD Journal is published twice each year: January (article deadline is ~15 September) and July (article deadline is ~15 March). Send submissions to USANCA CWMD Journal Editors,, with “CWMD JOURNAL ARTICLE” in the subject line.