Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction Advisor Course Phase I (Distance Learning)
Synopsis: The Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction (CWMD) Advisor Course is an 80-hour course that prepares operational staff planners to advise senior leaders on operational WMD implications and CWMD activities. Students review CWMD doctrine, guidance, and best practices across the range of military operations while learning to manage WMD effects on combat power through practical exercises and group project work. The course is split into a 40-hour distance-learning Phase I, and a 40-hour in residence Phase II. Completion of both phases of the CWMD Advisor course confers the U.S. Army skill identifier D1 (CWMD Advisor).


o   Describe International and National treaties, conventions, and policy related to Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction

o   Interpret Joint Doctrine related to Countering Weapons of Mass destruction.

o   Understand fundamentals of weapons of mass destruction.


Registration: Self-Registered through ATRRS for Army personnel.  The course is hosted on JKO VCLASS.  Army personnel are required to do both to graduate. Instructions below.



1.    Go to ; Click on “Course Catalog”

2.    Under “Course Number:” search for CWMD-ADV

3.    Select “Phase 1”

4.    Select “Register” under designated course” – Fill out required registration information.



  1. Go to ; DoD Warning Banner will pop up—click ‘Ok’.
  2. Click ‘Login’ under ‘Login using my CAC/VA PIV’.
  3. Click on ‘VCLASS’, the last button towards the top of the page.
  4. Click ‘Enter Classroom’.
  5. On the left column click on “Membership”
  6. Click the tab for “Joinable Sites” and search for “USANCA- CWMD Advisor Phase I”
  7. Click “Join Now”.  Congratulations!  You’re added to the class. 
  8. Refreshing the page will show a “USANCA- CWMD Advisor Phase I” Tab which has the syllabus, assignments, and assessments.


Prerequisites: US Government employee with JKO access. For the U.S. Army, officers above O2, warrant officers above WO1, and noncommissioned officers above E6.  Phase I completion is a prerequisite for ATRRS registration for Phase II.


Course Classification: UNCLASSAFIED


Graduation:  Once you achieve 100% on all exams and complete all written reflections, send an e-mail to so we can graduate you from ATRRS and JKO.  Your 40-hour JKO graduation certificate will populate 48-72 hours after we update your status.